binding to custom properties
when using *ngFor with a collection of type create a component which displays an
instance of the type
the Input directive exposes the property to the template
example use is displaying a list of something with each something displayed in its
own control
export class ServerElementComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() element: {type: string, name: string, content: string};
property can have public alias to be used by markup
export class ServerElementComponent implements OnInit {
@Input(< public alias >) element: {type: string, name: string, content: string};
binding to custom events - EventEmitter
add events initialized as type of EventEmitter to the component with arg as JSON
import the Output directive
decorate the events with the Output directive to expose the events
note one Output property uses public aliasing
import { Component, OnInit, EventEmitter, Output } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-cockpit',
export class CockpitComponent implements OnInit {
@Output('xserverCreated') serverCreated = new EventEmitter<{ serverName:=serverName string,=string, serverContent:=serverContent string=string }=}>();
@Output() blueprintCreated = new EventEmitter<{ serverName:=serverName string,=string, serverContent:=serverContent string=string }=}>();
onAddServer() {
this.serverCreated.emit({ serverName: this.newServerName, serverContent: this.newServerContent });
onAddBlueprint() {
this.blueprintCreated.emit({ serverName: this.newServerName, serverContent: this.newServerContent });
the parent element of this component can assign event handlers in its markup, here
from app.component.html
and the handlers
export class AppComponent {
onServerAdded(serverData: {serverName: string, serverContent: string}) { ... }
onBlueprintAdded(blueprintData: {serverName: string, serverContent: string}) ... }
style sheets are only applied to their associated component
using local references in templates
local reference cann be placed on any HTML element
usable only in template, not in TypeScript
octothorpe denotes a local reference
<div class="col-xs-12">
<input type="text" class="form-control" #nameInput>
<input type="text" class="form-control" [(ngModel)]="newServerContent">
class="btn btn-primary"
(click)="onAddServer(nameInput)">Add Server</button>
class="btn btn-primary"
(click)="onAddBlueprint(nameInput)">Add Server Blueprint</button>
above event handler calls pass local reference as arg
handler methods are changed because they take HTMLInputElement args
export class CockpitComponent {
@Output('xserverCreated') serverCreated = new EventEmitter<{ serverName:=serverName string,=string, serverContent:=serverContent string=string }=}>();
@Output() blueprintCreated = new EventEmitter<{ serverName:=serverName string,=string, serverContent:=serverContent string=string }=}>();
newServerContent = '';
onAddServer(nameInput: HTMLInputElement) {
// this.serverCreated.emit({ serverName: this.newServerName, serverContent: this.newServerContent });
this.serverCreated.emit({ serverName: nameInput.value, serverContent: this.newServerContent });
onAddBlueprint(nameInput: HTMLInputElement) {
// this.blueprintCreated.emit({ serverName: this.newServerName, serverContent: this.newServerContent });
this.blueprintCreated.emit({ serverName: nameInput.value, serverContent: this.newServerContent });
getting access to the template and DOM with @ViewChild
2-way binding is removed from the second input which receives the local reference
<div class="col-xs-12">
<p>Add new Servers or blueprints!</p>
<label>Server Name</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" #nameInput>
<label>Server Content</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" #contentInput >
class="btn btn-primary"
(click)="onAddServer(nameInput)">Add Server</button>
class="btn btn-primary"
(click)="onAddBlueprint(nameInput)">Add Server Blueprint</button>
the ViewChild directive's arg is the local reference of the desired element of the
the element property is assigned the reference
import { Component, OnInit, EventEmitter, Output, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
export class CockpitComponent implements OnInit {
@ViewChild('contentInput') contentInput: ElementRef;
onAddServer(nameInput: HTMLInputElement) {
this.serverCreated.emit({ serverName: nameInput.value, serverContent: this.contentInput.nativeElement.value });
onAddBlueprint(nameInput: HTMLInputElement) {
this.blueprintCreated.emit({ serverName: nameInput.value, serverContent: this.contentInput.nativeElement.value });
projecting content into component using ng-Content
everything between a component's selectors is lost
This text will never be rendered...
if the ng-Content directive is used in the SomeComponent markup
This is the SomeComponent
any content found between the opening and closing tags of some-component will be
shown between the ng-Content tags
the output will be
This text will never be rendered...
This is the SomeComponent
ngInit is a lifecycle hook
lifecycle hooks
- ngOnChanges - called after a bound input property changes
- ngOnInit - called once the component is initialized
- ngDoCheck -called during every change detection fun
- ngAfterContentInit - called after content (ng-count) has been projected into view
- ngAfterContentChecked - called everytime the projected content has been checked
ngAfterViewInit - called after the component's view and child component views have
been initialized
ngAfterViewChecked - called everytime the component's view and child component views
have been checked
- ngOnDestroy - called once the component is about to be destroyed
lifecycle hooks and template access
AfterViewInit DOM elements can be accessed