Using Services & Dependency Injection
using services & dependency injection
service handles a generic task e.g. logging

a service is just a class

only components and directives need to be registered

    export class LoggingService{
        logStatusChange(status: string){
            console.log('A server status changed. New status : ' + status);



injecting a service into components
hierarchical injector
  1. import the class
  2. add the providers property to the component directive if necessary
  3. add the type to the providers property
  4. add instance of the type as a c'tor argument
    import { Component, EventEmitter, Output } from '@angular/core';

    import {LoggingService } from '../logging.service';

      providers: [LoggingService]
    export class NewAccountComponent {
        constructor(private loggingService: LoggingService){}



understanding the hierarchy injector
hierarchical injector

Angular DI creates a type instance for a component and its children will all use the same instance

  1. AppModule - same instance of service is available app-wide
  2. AppComponent - same instance of service is available for all Components (only components)
  3. Any other component - same instance of service is available for the component and its children



number of service instances
a service in a component decorator's provider property will be used as a single instance when injected to child components

the exception is if a child component decorator's provider property declares the service, the child component will get its own instance of the injected service



injecting services into services
putting a service in the AppModule decorator's providers property lets the entire app use a single instance of the service

override behavior by declaring service in another component or module decorator's providers property

for a service to be injected with another service the Injectable decorator is used

    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
    export class AService {
        constructor(private loggingService: LoggingService) { }



using services for cross-component communication
service has an EventEmitter
    export class AService {
        statusUpdated = new EventEmitter<string>();
service is injected into component

component uses service methods to fire events

    export class AComponent {

      constructor(private aService: AService) { }
      onSetTo(status: string) {
        this.aService.update(, status);
another component is injected with the service

in c'tor the component subscribes to the service's event

    export class BComponent {

      constructor(private aService: AService) {
        // subscribe to the event
          // display a message box describing the new status
          (status: string) => alert('New status : ' + status)



using a service for "Push Notification"
same as above but the service calls its EventEmitter's emit method

