Working with a Python Environment | ||||||||||||
Python's venv module is used to create virtual environments this module is part of the standard library, officially recommended way to create virtual environments Creating a Virtual Environment
to create a virtual environment in a Windows shell use the command
py -m venv venvPython launcher selects an appropriate version of Python to use launcher is bundled with official installation command creates a new virtual environment named venv using the built-in venv module the first venv that you use in the command specifies the module the second venv sets the name of the virtual environment Activating a Virtual Environment
activate the environment by executing a script that comes with the VE installation
venv\Scripts\activatemust be in folder containing the VE the VE name will be included in the command prompt as (venv) Installing Packages into a Virtual Environment
once activated install any required dependencies using pip
python -m pip install <package-name>using a VE creates an isolated environment in which packages can be installed no dependency conflicts between projects in their own VE Deactivating a Virtual Environment
can deactivate VE suing the command
deactivatecommand prompt returns to normal any interaction now with Python or pip is within the global Python environment |
Enabling a Virtual Environment | ||||||||||||
working with virtual environments directly from an IDE can streamline the development process VS Code provides built-in support for managing Python virtual environments can create, activate, and manage VEs without leaving the editor Create and Activate a Virtual Environment in VS Code
to create and activate a Python environment in VS Code
Why Use a Virtual Environment? | ||||||||||||
Python isn't great at dependency management if not specific pip will place all the external packages being installed in a folder called site-packages/ in the base Python installation there are two site-package folders
effectively creates a single site-packages folder >>> import sysconfig >>> sysconfig.get_path("purelib") 'C:\\Users\\Name\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312\\Lib\\site-packages' >>> sysconfig.get_path("platlib") 'C:\\Users\\Name\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312\\Lib\\site-packages' Avoid System Pollution
installing packages to the OS's global site-packages will mix the packages with the
system-relevant packagesmix-up could have unexpected side effects on tasks crucial to the OS's normal behavior updates to OS could overwrite or lose any installed packages Sidestep Dependency Conflicts
different projects may require different versions of the same external libraryif two different versions of the same package are installed into the global Python environment, the second installation overwrites the first one each VE can contain a specific version of the same external library Minimize Reproducibility Issues
make the VE reproducible by documenting its contentscreate a requirements.txt file while the virtual environment is active (venv) PS> python -m pip freeze > requirements.txtcommand pipes the output of pip freeze into a file called requirements.txt file contains a list of the external dependencies currently installed in the VE keep the requirements.txt file up to date can always re-create the virtual environment even after deleting the venv/ folder or moving to a different computer altogether (venv) PS> deactivate PS> py -m venv new-venv\ PS> new-venv\Scripts\activate (new-venv) PS> python -m pip install -r requirements.txtabove a new virtual environment called new-venv is created and activated all external dependencies in the requirements.txt file are installed Dodge Installation Privilege Lockouts
may need administrator privileges on a computer to install packages into the host
Python's site-packages directorywith virtual environments a new installation location is created can install and work with external packages |
What is a Virtual Environment? | ||||||||||||
a VE is a folder structure providing everything needed to run a lightweight yet isolated Python environment A Folder Structure
a new venv-created VE includes a self-contained folder structure and
symlinks the Python executable files into the structure
A Folder Structure in Detail
in the terminal navigate to the folder that containing the VEexecute the tree command to display the contents of the directory PS> tree venv\ /Fa VE folder contains a lot of files and folders most of what makes this tree structure so long rests inside the site-packages/ folder venv\ │ ├── Include\ │ ├── Lib\ │ │ │ └── site-packages\ │ │ │ ├── pip\ │ │ │ └── pip-24.2.dist-info\ │ │ ├── Scripts\ │ ├── Activate.ps1 │ ├── activate │ ├── activate.bat │ ├── deactivate.bat │ ├── pip.exe │ ├── pip3.12.exe │ ├── pip3.exe │ ├── python.exe │ └── pythonw.exe │ └── pyvenv.cfg
An Isolated Python Installation
want an isolated environment so that any installed external packages won't conflict with
global site-packagesvenv reproduces the folder structure that a standard Python installation creates structure accounts for the location of the symlink of the Python binary and the site-packages directory a VE has access to packages in the standard library follow the venv command below to have a VE access to the base installation's site-packages only get read access to the system site-packages directory PS> py -m venv venv\ --system-site-packagescan change pyvenv.cfg instead include-system-site-packages = true |
How a Virtual Environment Works? | ||||||||||||
It Copies Structure and Files
when a VE is created using using venv, the module re-creates the file and folder
structure of a standard installation on the OSsymlinks the Python executable into the folder structure with which venv was called It Adapts the Prefix-Finding Process
venv produces the standard folder structure which lets the interpreter determine where all
the VE's relevant files are locatedinstead of looking for the os module to determine the location of the standard library the interpreter first looks for a pyvenv.cfg file if the file is found and it contains a home key the interpreter will use that key to set the value for two variables
It Links Back to the Standard Library
VEs aim to be a lightweight way to provide an isolated Python environmentVE can be quickly created and then deleted when it's no longer needed venv copies only the minimally necessary files It Modifies the PYTHONPATH
ensures the scripts needed to run use the Python interpreter within the VEvenv modifies the PYTHONPATH environment variable which can be accessed using sys.path inspect the variable without an active VE and it shows the default path locations for the default Python installation >>> import sys >>> sys.path ['', 'C:\\Users\\Name\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312\\', 'C:\\Users\\Name\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312\\DLLs', 'C:\\Users\\Name\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312\\lib', 'C:\\Users\\Name\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312', 'C:\\Users\\Name\\AppData\\Roaming\\Python\\Python312\\site-packages', 'C:\\Users\\Name\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312\\lib\\site-packages']when the same command is made when a VE is running the output is >>> import sys >>> sys.path ['', 'C:\\Users\\Name\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312\\', 'C:\\Users\\Name\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312\\DLLs', 'C:\\Users\\Name\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312\\lib', 'C:\\Users\\Name\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312', 'C:\\Users\\Name\\path\\to\\venv', 'C:\\Users\\Name\\path\\to\\venv\\lib\\site-packages']Python replaced the default site-packages directory path with the one that lives inside the VE the change means that Python will load any external packages installed in the VE because the path to your base Python's site-packages directory is no longer in the list Python won't load modules from there change in Python's path settings effectively creates the isolation of external packages in the VE It Changes the Shell PATH Variable on Activation
the activation script performs two critical steps
Customizing a Virtual Environment | ||||||||||||
Change the Command Prompt
when creating a VE can use an argument to provide an alias to the VE's real name
PS> py -m venv venv\ --prompt dev-env PS> venv\Scripts\activate (dev-env) PS>PS> py -m venv venv\ --prompt dev-env PS> venv\Scripts\activate (dev-env) PS>to use the name of the current working directory as the command prompt of the VE PS> py -m venv venv\ --prompt . PS> venv\Scripts\activate (<current-folder-name>) PS>when the dot operator is specified as the value for --prompt Python will use the output of os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) as the command prompt for the VE Overwrite Existing Environments
venv does not overwrite an existing VE when the same venv command is madebelow the list of install packages is unchanged after py -m venv venv\ is run a second time PS> py -m venv venv\ PS> venv\Scripts\pip.exe install requests PS> venv\Scripts\pip.exe list Package Version ------------------ --------- certifi 2024.8.30 charset-normalizer 3.3.2 idna 3.8 pip 24.2 requests 2.32.3 urllib3 2.2.2 PS> py -m venv venv\ PS> venv\Scripts\pip.exe list Package Version ------------------ --------- certifi 2024.8.30 charset-normalizer 3.3.2 idna 3.8 pip 24.2 requests 2.32.3 urllib3 2.2.2to reinitialize a VE use the --clear argument PS> py -m venv venv\ PS> venv\Scripts\pip.exe install requests PS> venv\Scripts\pip.exe list Package Version ------------------ --------- certifi 2024.8.30 charset-normalizer 3.3.2 idna 3.8 pip 24.2 requests 2.32.3 urllib3 2.2.2 PS> py -m venv venv\ --clear PS> venv\Scripts\pip.exe list Package Version ---------- ------- pip 24.2 Create Multiple Virtual Environments at Once
can create multiple separate VEs in one go by passing more than one path to the command
PS> py -m venv venv\ C:\Users\Name\Documents\virtualenvs\venv-copy\running the command creates separate VEs in different locations the two folders are independent VE folders above the first argument, venv/, represents a relative path the second argument uses an absolute path Update the Core Dependencies
when a package is installed into a VE using pip, may receive a message about updating pipvenv uses ensurepip to bootstrap pip into the VE can specify for pip to contact PyPI and update itself right after installation by passing the --upgrade-deps argument PS> py -m venv venv\ --upgrade-deps PS> venv\Scripts\activate (venv) PS> python -m pip install --upgrade pip Include the System Site-Packages
can access all modules installed into the base Python's site-packages directory by using the
--system-site-packages flag when creating the VEinstalling any additional external packages will put them into the VE's site-packages directory only get read access to the system site-packages directory PS> py -m venv venv\ --system-site-packages PS> venv\Scripts\activate (venv) PS> |
Managing a Virtual Environment | ||||||||||||
Decide Where to Create the Environment Folders
two approaches to where VEs should be located
Treat Them as Disposables
VEs are disposable folder structuresshould be able to safely delete and re-create at any time without losing information about the code project generally don't put any additional code or information into the VE manually anything that goes in there should be handled by your package manager don't commit the VE to version control don't ship it with the project VEs aren't entirely self-sufficient Python installations VEs rely on the base Python''s standard library won't create a portable application by distributing the VE together with the code Pin the Dependencies
to make a VE reproducible need a way to describe its contentsmost common way to do this is by creating a requirements.txt file while the VE is active (venv) PS> python -m pip freeze > requirements.txtrequirements.txt contains a list of the external dependencies currently installed in the VE to recreate the VE (venv) PS> deactivate PS> py -m venv new-venv\ PS> new-venv\Scripts\activate (new-venv) PS> python -m pip install -r requirements.txtcommitting the requirements.txt file to version control means can ship the project code with the 'recipe' to re-create the same VE on their machines while this is a widespread way to ship dependency information with a code project, it isn't deterministic because of these issues